27 July 2012

Washington D.C. : The Museums

The two Museums we chose to visit were the Natural History Museum and the Air and Space Museum. Both had a lot of fun things to see. Both were air conditioned!

I made the kids pose in front of the sign. For some reason they weren't that impressed. 
Glad it didn't translate into the photo! Oh wait, Kade doesn't look too impressed...

Ava's face in the left picture is priceless.

It was very interesting going through this museum after going through the creation museum...

There were cleaning fossils. Very cool.

Kade has a thing for turtles. This one was giant!

These shells were enormous and beautiful.

Nemo and Dori

The bones exhibit was so fascinating.

The other museum we visited was the Air and Space Museum. I may be a dork, but it was so cool to see rockets that were actually in space! And Amelia Erharts's plane! That's cool.
Seriously...on the moon!

There was a neat interactive section of the museum; lots of buttons to push, things to try out.

hmmm, that lady needs a different shirt...

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