This is still a bit of a sore subject, so I'll be brief.
Our lovely hotel offered us an "upgrade" to a nicer room at a "nicer" hotel-their sister resort on the other end of PV, at no additional charge. This is a new area that we noticed is really being pushed for business. We thought, "this place is great. why not go try their other hotel (which we assumed would be great too) on a different beach and enjoy some different scenery?
We said, yes.
POOR decision.
We thought it was a great sign that the day we were to move it was raining. A great day to travel and not miss good beach time. Apparently it was more likely a sign of doom and gloom. I was pretty bummed.
In short, the new hotel was nicer, only because it was new. It was clean, but cold in decor. The service was HORRIBLE-not the pampering we were used to. People were less friendly. The food was nowhere close in comparison. We called the old resort and tried to go back, but they had already booked our room! (Apparently the whole reason why they weren't telling their guests that they were actually degrading their service!) I could go on, but I'm getting a little sick to my stomach just thinking about it, so I'll stop.
All in all, we were still at the beach and that says a lot. We made good friends with the bar tenders by the beach (that helped!) and went on a bike ride with one of the entertainment guys, which was humorous. Oh, and we weren't the only suckers. We met up with many other groups from the last resort who had switched too. They were just as unhappy as we were. That helped a little.
So, that wasn't so brief, but I really could go on forever, so in the whole scheme of things...
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