31 October 2009

Happy Trick or Treaty!

A term coined by my three. Pretty funny. I don't think they know it's not right either.

We had some conspicuous trick or treaters...Maddox didn't buy it

I love this one. It may be blurry, but it adds to the whimsy of it, but that's just me.

The kids had a lot of fun with Halloween this year. I was stressing a little bit (not really, it IS just halloween) about what they were going to wear. I was only going to have a week to prepare. I didn't really have anything in mind yet. And I was not going to feel like doing it after being gone for a week. So, I put Grandma on the case and she did great! Maddox's costume was so perfect. Ava made her own crown with Grandma's help. And Kade, well you have to know him to know that a frog is so him.

Maddox informed me at the end of the night that this was "the best Trick or Treat EVER!"

30 October 2009

Halloween at school

Dressed and ready to go, Dash fits in a quick book before his big reveal.

Anxious to see their big brother at school.

And it's the amazing Dash!

Now it is Ava's turn to show off her costume. I thought it was so cute how they were checking out each other's costumes.

27 October 2009

Picnic on a new deck on a beautiful fall day

We're Back

but I wish we were still here...

especially when I go to post on my blog and realize that I'm over a month behind!

More pictures will come...soon!

25 October 2009

Farewell Grandma

My mom and her creations (the costumes, that is)

I Spy Go Fish - the game of the week.

Ava sporting her new dress we got her. Not exactly what I had in mind...

24 October 2009

Mexico Trip: Day 8-Going Home

Packing and breakfast on the patio
Goodbye beach. We will miss you.
Brent enjoying a good book on the plane with a lady that looks exactly like my highschool English teacher in the background. Funny stuff.
A warm welcome from our kiddos. They had me crying, I was laughing so hard at their enthusiasm. They all wanted to tell me about their week. All at the same time. All at the top of their lungs. Ahhh, it's good to be home.