03 February 2009

Playing with Dough

I had mom's group this morning, but didn't feel up to it to go. And boy did I hear about it for the rest of the day from Maddox. Might think twice about doing that next week!

We got out the 'bob' play dough instead. Not sure which would have been easier, dragging the kids to mom's group or cleaning up after bob play dough...

Maddox was pretty proud of his creation.

"Um, should I eat this, or no?"

Can you tell she was singing? Wouldn't you appreciate it if your hair dresser sang to you next time you get your hair cut?

1 comment:

My Three Girls (The A girls) said...

Hello Alyssa

Just stopped by your blog. Thank you for stopping by my blog and saying hello. I had to laugh at the picture of your son thinking "should I eat it?" about the play dough.

You and Meg make Kansas look like a great place to live.

I will check back later-